Thursday, May 17, 2012

Select Drawings

Recent Paintings

These paintings have evolved from using multiple layers of water-based mixed media.

Occupy Love: All for one and one for all.

The ProArts Gallery in Oakland, CA holds an annual benefit auction to support local artists and arts educational programming. Each member is giving a solid block of wood 6x6x6" which they can then transform creatively. I drilled one hundred holes on each of the six sides and inserted 600 match sticks
to symbolize our individual connection to the whole. If one becomes enflamed then the entire mass might be engulfed in fire. Everyone loses if even one is lost.


My fused dichroic glass pendants evolved out of a desire to practice "random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty". I meet so many interesting, creative and caring individuals in my daily life that I wanted a way to honor them for their uniqueness and talent, while developing a ritual process for the art of giving. I inform each winner of my RICO Award that by receiving this one-of-a-kind artwork I am honoring them for who they are, for what they do and for the gifts they share with the world. They may enjoy the award for a day, week, month, year or however long it serves them until they meet someone they want to honor. Then it must be paid forward to this special person, asking them to continue the "Art of Giving" process by paying it forward to someone else, requiring them to do the same. My intention is to create a rippling-out of kindness and love where we learn not to get attached to beautiful things, but find joy in being able to bring unexpected happiness to someone deserving of recognition by sharing something we treasure. If you are fortunate and worthy, someday the RICO Award might come full circle and will be gifted back to you with honor.

Flower of Life

ART IN NATURE / Nature of Art Festival
Art Installation Title:  Flower of Life; Community Earth Blessing”

The objective of this project is to install an interactive sculpture incorporating the sacred geometry symbol of the Flower of Life as a container for learning and self-expression. The installation will include a large suspended spinning mandala of 15 interlocking hoops. Two banquet tables filled with art supplies will allow visitors to write, draw, or paint a blessing to Mother Earth on separate leaves of paper that are then tied to Flower representing our hopes, fears and wishes for the World’s future well-being. The sculptural installation encourages education of sacred geometry, community co-creativity, ecological awareness, and healing of eco-anxiety.